Shipowner Eligibility
Special for the NIS: The register is open to owners of all nationalities ref. the Act of 12 June 1987 No. 48 relating to a Norwegian International Ship Register (NIS) Section 1 Conditions for registration:
Self-propelled passenger and cargo ships and hovercraft, as well as drilling platforms and other movable installations, may on request be registered in the Norwegian International Ship Register provided they are not entered in the register of another country and:
1. the owner satisfies the nationality conditions in section 1 of the Norwegian Maritime Code of 1994; or
2. the owner, if he does not satisfy the nationality conditions in section 1 of the Norwegian Maritime Code of 1994,
a. is a limited company or a limited partnership with its head office in Norway; or
b. is a shipowning partnership, with a managing reder (person or company) who satisfies the provisions relating to managing reder (person or company) in Chapter 5 of the Norwegian Maritime Code of 1994.
3. the owner, if he does not satisfy the conditions of items 1 or 2, has appointed a representative who is authorized to accept writs on behalf of the owner. The representative must fulfil the nationality requirements for managing reder (person or company) as set out in section 103 of the Norwegian Maritime Code of 1994.
Ships registered in accordance with items 2 or 3 above shall be operated by a Norwegian shipping company with its head office in Norway.
A ship shall be regarded as a Norwegian ship (NIS and NOR) when it has not been entered in the ship register of another State and is owned by:
1. a Norwegian national;
2. a shipping partnership or other Norwegian company, the members of which have unlimited liability for the obligations of the company, provided that Norwegian nationals are part owners of at least six tenths thereof;
3. a limited partnership, provided that Norwegian nationals hold at least six tenths of the capital invested by the general partners and at least six tenths of the capital invested by the limited partners;
4. a limited company not covered by No. 3, provided the company’s head office and the office of the board of Directors are in Norway and the majority of the directors, including the board chairman, are Norwegian nationals who are resident in Norway and have lived here for the past two years, and Norwegian nationals own shares or holdings corresponding to at least six tenths of the share capital and are entitled to exercise at least six tenths of the voting rights in the company.
About the Flag
Norway is located in northern Europe bordering the North Sea and North Atlantic Ocean west of Sweden. It is a constitutional monarchy with its capital at Oslo. The Chief of State is the King, and the Head of Government is the Prime Minister. There is a modified Unicameral parliament. The legal system lies somewhere between a civil law and common law traditions. Norway is a member of the European Economic Area (“EEA”), OECD, UN, and IMO. Norwegian is the official language.
Norway has a mixed economy combining free market activity and government intervention. It is ranked among the world's major shipping nations. The government controls the vital petroleum sector and subsidizes agriculture and areas with sparse resources. Norway is an exporter of petroleum, forest products, metals, fish and fish products. Major trading partners are the EC nations. The unit of currency is the Norwegian kroner.
The Kingdom of Norway is stable economically and politically. It has an objective, capable and efficient legal system. The courts have a high standing. There are a number of law firms which include shipping and finance in their areas of practice. The firms are of high international standing and are well connected with capable foreign law firms. The international shipping practice of these firms is to a large extent conducted in English.
The national ship register is called the Norwegian Ordinary Ship Register (“NOR”). The law governing the NOR is the Merchant Marine Act of 24th June 1994 No. 39. In addition to its traditional ship register (“NOR”), Norway also has a second, captive register, the Norwegian International Ship Register (“NIS”) which was created by an act of Parliament, the NIS Act of 12 June 1987 No. 48.
The NIS differs from the NOR in that it enables direct registration by foreign shipowners and allows employment of foreign seafarers on local/national wages established through collective wage agreements between an employers' federation and an independent union which organizes the seafarers. NIS has been designated as a second register by the ITF. NIS vessels beneficially controlled by non-Norwegian owners may be classified as Flag of Convenience (FOC) unless covered by an ITF approved collective agreement.
There is one nationwide registration office, the Ship Register (“Skipsregistrene”) located in Bergen under the governance of the Ministry of Trade and Industry which administers both the NOR and the NIS. The Norwegian Maritime Directorate is the enforcement agency for all matters relating to the seaworthiness of all Norwegian ships and to the safety and qualifications of seafarers.
On January 1, 2012, both the Norwegian Ordinary and International Ship Registers merged with the Norwegian Maritime Directorate to form the Norwegian Maritime Authority. As a result, both registers are now a department of the Directorate. Registration policies will remain the same but will become easier and more efficient as a result of consolidating the organizations. The Norwegian Maritime Authority and its components remain departments of the Ministry of Trade and Industry.
The Norwegian Ordinary and International Ship Registers are efficient and objective, maintaining a high professional standing in its work. They are recognized by owners and financiers as being reliable and offering strict but helpful service.
Company Formation
There are two types of companies with limited liability: public companies (allmennaksjeselskaper designated ASA) and private companies (aksjeselskaper designated AS). Public companies offer their shares to the public at large, and the minimum share capital is NOK 1 million. The minimum share capital of a private company is NOK 300,000.
A company may be constituted by one or more parties. There is no residency requirement as to founders. There are no limitations on the transfer of shares to nonresidents after the company has been founded. The company must keep a stock ledger which is public information and which shows the names of all shareholders. Listed companies which must be public companies must be registered in the Central Securities Register. Other companies may also be registered there.
The managing director and at least one half of the board of directors must as a general rule, be residents of Norway. The Ministry of Trade and Industry may upon application grant exceptions to the rule. The limitation does not apply to citizens of countries that are a party to the EEA when they are residents of such country.
There is a quorum when more than half of the members of the board of directors are participating in the meeting. Such meetings may be conducted over the telephone. Board meetings may also be held outside Norway.
The registration of a company is achieved by filing an application for registration signed by all board members on a given form together with minutes of the constituting meeting and subscription of shares and articles accompanied by a confirmation from the auditor that he accepts nomination as auditor and confirms that the share capital has been paid in. For each foreign board member, there must be filed a copy of his or her passport or other identification and a form (Form “D”) stating date of birth, address, nationality, and sex.
Public companies (allmennaksjeselskaper designated ASA) and private companies (aksjeselskaper designated AS) must be sent for registration within three months after all members have signed the formation documents.
There are particular rules with regard to employee representation on the board of directors with stages of 30, 50, and 200 employees. However, these rules will not affect companies whose activities are strictly limited to owning and operating ships.
A company must file its accounts with the Central Register of Accounts within the 30th of June in the year following the accounting year. The accounts must be verified by an auditor.
It is the duty of the chairman of the board of directors to see to it that meetings are held as often as necessary and that minutes are kept. Meetings of the general assembly must inter alia be held to approve the year end statement and declare dividends or when 10% or more of the shareholders require a general meeting.
In addition to companies limited by shares, there are partnerships regulated by the Act on Partnerships of 21st June 1985. There are general partnerships where all partners are jointly and severely liable without limitation, and limited partnerships (“kommandittselskap”) where one or more general partners are liable without limitation and limited partners whose liability is limited. Partnerships and limited partnerships may consist of physical persons and Norwegian or foreign companies with limited liability. In a limited partnership, the shares of the general partners must constitute at least 10% of the capital contribution to the partnership. At least 2/5 of the liability of the limited partners must be paid in, 1/5 on registration and 1/5 within two years of constitution.
If the purpose of the partnership is to own ships, it will be considered a “partrederi” and will be subject to Chapter 5 of the Merchant Marine Act. This requires the appointment of a managing owner with certain authority by law. The managing owner must be a Norwegian or EEA member state citizen who resides in Norway, a general partnership where all participants are Norwegian and EEA member state citizens and all reside in Norway, unless exempt is granted by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, or a limited liability company where at least 60% of the capital and voting power is in Norwegian or EEA member state hands.
Partnerships and limited partnerships are formed by way of a partnership agreement a copy of which is filed together with the application form with the Central Register of Companies.
The minutes of the constituting meeting of a company limited by shares must be made in Norwegian whereas a partnership agreement or an agreement for the constitution of a limited partnership may be made in English but must be accompanied by an authored translation on registration.
For further information, please visit www.altinn.no and www.brreg.no.
The Norwegian special taxation arrangement (tonnage tax system) available for shipping is considered competitive in relation to similar shipping taxation arrangements in other European countries, both with regards to the tonnage tax level as well as other regulations.
In general, the same rules for taxation will apply for ships registered in the NIS as for ships in
Norway’s traditional register or under foreign flag. It is the responsibility of entities and persons to clarify their own tax responsibility.
Instead of normal tax on general income, a company under the special tax arrangement pays a tonnage tax based on the net tonnage of relevant vessels.
A revised tonnage tax arrangement was adopted in 2007, and implies that for incomes generated from that year and onwards, the tonnage tax is the final tax and income can be distributed to shareholders without further taxation.
The special tax arrangement is available for companies formed in accordance with the Norwegian Joint-Stock Company Act or the Norwegian Joint-Stock Public Company Act. In order for a company to be eligible for special tax arrangement assessment, the company must comply with requirements regarding qualifying assets and activities of the company.
Foreign owners established abroad, and participating in a partnership with a Norwegian partner owning [NIS registered ships], will normally not be liable to tax in Norway. However, owners in countries where there is a tax treaty in place with Norway will as a main rule be liable to taxation in Norway when effective management of the operation of the ship is conducted from Norway.
The establishment of a Norwegian management partnership by non-Norwegians to take care of the daily management of operations does not trigger taxation in Norway of the foreign owners, except when Norway has the exclusive right to tax the income according to tax treaty.
Foreign seafarers working on NIS registered ships and resident outside the Nordic area, are exempted from taxation in Norway. Norwegian seafarers are taxed in Norway according to general tax rules, but are granted a seafarer’s deduction from taxable income.
Income from employment aboard a ship received by Norwegian seafarers who reside outside Norway are taxable to Norway unless they can demonstrate that they pay taxes in their country of residence, or unless Norway has waived the right to taxation in a tax treaty with the country of residence.
Registration and Documentation
Applications for registration should be made to the Ship Register office in Bergen. It is advisable to send electronic copies of all documentation and notarizations for examination prior to the day of registration to avoid unnecessary delays. The office is open from 8:00 to 15:00, Monday through Friday, with the exception of national holidays. Saturdays will be considered the same as a weekday when the simultaneous deletion from or entry into foreign registers is required. There is also an officer on duty Monday-Saturday and national holidays who may be reached by telephone from 07:00 hours to 24:00 hours Norwegian time. All staff are well versed on documentation and procedures and are extremely responsive.
Entry into the register takes place after notification by the shipowner to the Registrar. All applications, documents and confirmations must be submitted in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, or English. Documentation in any other language must be submitted with a certified translation.
For new registrations, the first application to be forwarded should be an application for issuance of a Certificate of Name. The preferred ship name must be approved by the NIS. In this process, a Norwegian call sign and IMO number (if necessary) will be allocated. This application may be forwarded electronically.
The owner/owner’s Norwegian Representative is then to apply for registration by submitting the application form, KR-0010. The form needs to be signed with binding signature by the owner or owner’s Norwegian Representative/Process Agent and forwarded with all signatures in original. All necessary forms are available on our website, http://www.sjofartsdir.no.
In addition, the following documents must be submitted prior to registration:
• Declaration of Nationality for owner or owner’s Norwegian Representative/Process Agent (if registered according to the NIS-Act, S 1.No. 3). Please choose the correct form, KR-0001 – KR-0007, sign with binding signature and forward with all signatures in original.
• Tonnage Certificate. Certified “true copy” of the certificate issued or approved for registration purposes by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate- NMD or an approved Classification Society (DNV, GL, BV, ABS, and LR). Approval is done by amendment of the ship’s Norwegian name and call sign. An electronic copy is to be forwarded directly to the NIS from either the NMD or the classification society.
• SOLAS - Confirmation. An electronic copy is to be forwarded directly to the NIS from either the NMD or an approved classification society.
• Title document(s), i.e. Bill of Sale, Builder’s Certificate etc. The chain of ownership must be documented back to the last registered owner in the previous register or back to the shipbuilder. All title documents are to be forwarded in original. Electronic copies may be accepted at the time of entry into the NIS if forwarded directly from a Norwegian Consular Station. Final registration is conditional upon receipt of the originals as soon as possible. Title documents issued abroad must be notarized and legalized/amended with an Apostille. A Notary Public needs to confirm both identity and authorization of the person signing on behalf of seller. The Notary’s Signature is thereafter to be confirmed either by a Norwegian Consular Station or by the amendment of an Apostille (by local authorities). Notarial statements from the Scandinavian countries are exempt from the latter requirement.
• Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance - if a newbuilding. This is only to be forwarded in copy, signed by both the builder and the shipowner.
• Management Agreement (If registered according to the NIS-Act, S.1 No 2 or.3). The better part of technical or commercial management of the ship must be made from Norway. The agreement is to be forwarded in certified "true copy.”
• Appointment of Norwegian Representative/Process Agent (if registered according to the NIS-Act § 1 No. 3). The appointment is to be signed with binding signature of both parties and forwarded the NIS with all signatures in original.
• Company Documentation, i.e. Certificate of Good Standing + Secretary’s Certificate etc. for overseas owners (if registered according to the NIS-Act § 1 No. 3).
• The documentation available for foreign registered firms will depend upon which country they are registered in.
The following information must be stated:
• The Owner's name, with the name of the firm, type of company and place of registration.
• Address of the Owner's Head Office.
• If the Owner is a General Partnership: Name, address and date of birth of all the General Partners
• If one of the participants is a Limited Partnership or a Limited Company, or other company with limited liability, also such information as is required from these companies - see below
• If the owner is a Limited Partnership or a Limited Company or a company with limited liability: The Company's share capital, and how much of it has been paid in. If the Company's share capital has not been fully subscribed, only the subscribed capital can be given as the Company's capital.
• If the Owner is a Company:
• The name, address and date of birth of the members of the Board of Directors and the administrative manager, and the names of those entitled to sign for the Company.
• The name and address of the Norwegian representative
As a main rule the following will be required:
• A CERTIFICATE of Registration from the public register that contains all the relevant information above. If it is not possible to obtain such a certificate because of the internal laws of the country then it should be possible to obtain a:
• CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING confirming that the company is existent. The required relevant information as listed above must then be confirmed either by:
• A Notary Public who issues his own document in which he confirms the required information on the company or
• The company which issues a SECRETARY’S CERTIFICATE containing the required information on the company.
• A Notary Public must then confirm both the correctness of the contents of the document and that the document is signed by a person that is authorized to issue such a document.
All of the above mentioned documents must be notarised and legalised.
The notary must state that the person signing the document has the authority to do so on behalf of the company.
It is not sufficient that the notary only confirm the person's identity or that this person declared himself (i.e. "said and depose") to have the authority to sign the document.
The Notary’s signature is then to be legalised either by a Norwegian foreign service or by an Apostille.
All documents must be presented in (or accompanied by a certified translation into) English or a Scandinavian language.
The Registrar may further demand the submission of such documentation as he deems necessary in order to verify the information given in accordance with the Norwegian Ship Registers Registration Regulations:
• Deletion Certificate from the previous register. An electronic copy will be sufficient at the time of registration if sent directly to the NIS from the previous register. The original document, legalized or amended with an Apostille, is then to be forwarded as soon as possible. Final registration is conditional upon receipt of the original, legalized, document. Deletion Certificates must contain information regarding when the ship was deleted, registered owner at the time of deletion as well as the fact that the ship was deleted free from registered encumbrances. The certificate is then to be legalized by a Norwegian Consular Service Station/ amended with an Apostille. Certificates from the Scandinavian countries are exempt from this requirement
• Notification of Assignment of responsibilities imposed by the ISM-Code, KR-0014. Applicable for ships of 500 grt or more in international trade. The form is to be forwarded with all signatures in original.
• APPLICATION for CSR (if newbuilding where no CSR has previously been issued), or
• FORM 2
The form is to be signed by the ISM-responsible company or the captain. Please note that only a copy is to be forwarded to the Ships Register. The original is to be brought on board and kept on the ship’s CSR File.
• The original document is to be sent the NIS prior to registration.
The Ships Register will first issue a Provisional Certificate of Nationality that allows the vessel to fly the Norwegian flag for five months. The final Certificate of Nationality will be issued by the Register within this time. The Register will require the name of the port where the change of flag will occur and the expected date of the change. This information may be provided by using the form KR-0011. Instructions for issuance of a Provisional Certificate of Nationality will be sent to the nearest Norwegian foreign station with a copy to all the participants involved in the change of flag and registration in the NOR or NIS. The foreign station will also be provided with a draft of the certificate. Date, time and signature are to be entered into the certificate upon receipt of written confirmation from the Ships Register that registration has taken place.
All Norwegian owned vessels of 15 meters or more are subject to mandatory registration unless registration has taken place under a foreign flag.
Pleasure vessels between 7-15 meters may be registered upon request.
Vessels less than 7 meters may only be registered if they are a major part of the owner’s economic activity.
Vessels under construction in Norway and contracts for construction in Norway may be registered in The Shipbuilding Register if the vessels length is to be 10 meters or more.
The registration requirements for vessels of 15 meters or more are, with a few exceptions such as guarantee for wages and homeward journey in the event of owner’s bankruptcy, mainly the same as for registration in the National and International Registers.
For registration requirements for vessels less than 15 meters as well as for the Shipbuilding Register, kindly contact the register directly.
Bareboat Charter Registration
Bareboat registration of a ship into the NIS
PUBLISHED: 16/06/2020
Please find the full details and documentation requirements for the formal registration below the index.
Content on this page
1. Application for certificate of name
2. Notification for registration
3. Tonnage Certificate
4. SOLAS-Confirmation and status reports from Class or Confirmation of survey
5. Confirmation from the primary register
6. Confirmation from the registered owner
7. Consent from all mortgagees/holder of legal rights
8. Bareboat charter party
9. Declaration of nationality
10. Appointment of process agent
11. Management agreement
12. Company documentation, if the charterer is a foreign registered company
13. Appointment of ISM-liable company
14. FORM 2
15. Registration fees per 1 January 2022
16. Is the ship situated abroad at the time of delivery?
17. Please note
18. Remember to apply for ship certificates
19. Qualification and Medical Certificate Requirements
20. Please also remember to apply for a radio license
1. Application for certificate of name
Kindly send the signed application, KR-0019, to post@nis-nor.no. A Norwegian call sign and IMO number will be assigned upon receipt of this application.
2. Notification for registration
The form KR-0030 must be signed with binding signature by the charterer or the charterer's process agent (representative) and sent to post@nis-nor.no.
3. Tonnage Certificate
A certificate must be issued or approved for registration purposes by one of the approved classification societies prior to registration. Kindly ensure that a copy is being sent to post@nis-nor.no.
4. SOLAS-Confirmation and status reports from Class or Confirmation of survey
A «Declaration of safety» must be issued by one of the approved classification societies prior to registration. Kindly ensure that a copy is being sent to post@nis-nor.no.
If you wish, we may also review the class status reports for the ships prior to change of flag.
For vessels with gross tonnage less than 500, a Trading Certificate will be issued by the NMA after a document control and survey of the vessel has been carried out. Kindly send a request for survey as outlined here.
5. Confirmation from the primary register
The primary register must give its consent to the ship’s bareboat registration into the NIS for the duration of the bareboat charter period and for the ship to sail under the Norwegian flag for that period. The following must also be stated: registered owner, registered owner’s full style address, registered mortgages, and other legal rights and that the ship is not allowed to sail under the primary register’s flag during the bareboat charter period.
Registration may take place upon receipt of a PDF copy. Final registration will be conditional upon receipt of the original confirmation, amended with an Apostille or legalized by a Norwegian Consular Station within three weeks from the ship's entry into the NIS.
6. Confirmation from the registered owner
Registered owner under the primary flag must consent to the ship being bareboat registered into the NIS and for the ship to sail under the Norwegian flag during the bareboat charter period.
To be signed with binding signature by the registered owner, notarized with regards to issuer’s identity and authority to sign and, thereafter, amended with an Apostille or legalized by a Norwegian Consular station.
Registration may take place upon receipt of a PDF copy. Final registration will be conditional upon receipt of the original confirmation within three weeks from the ship's entry into the NIS.
7. Consent from all mortgagees/holder of legal rights
Each mortgagee/holder of legal right must give their consent to bareboat registration of the ship into the NIS. The declaration(s) must be forwarded in original.
8. Bareboat charter party
The bareboat charter party must state name and full style address of the registered owner and charterer as well as the validity of the charter party. A copy must be sent to post@nis-nor.no prior to registration.
9. Declaration of nationality
NIS is open to charterers of all nationalities, re. the act of 12 June 1987 No. 48 relating to a Norwegian International Ship Register (NIS) Section 1.
Foreign companies according to Section 1 no. 3 must also appoint a Norwegian Process Agent (representative). The main role of the Process Agent is to accept writs on behalf of the charterer. The Process Agent has to fulfil the same conditions as a managing "reder" according to the Norwegian Maritime Code of 24 June 1994 No. 39 Section 103.
See item 10 below.
If charterer satisfies Section 1 no. 2 or 3, the main part of the technical and/or commercial management must be carried out by a shipping company with its head office in Norway.
See item 11 below.
Charterer according to the Norwegian Maritime Code Section 1 no. 1: must submit a "Declaration of Nationality".
Charterer according to the Norwegian Maritime Code Section 1 no. 3:
the Norwegian Process Agent (Representative) must provide a "Declaration of Nationality".
Please choose the correct form here. The declaration is to be signed with binding signature and sent to post@nis-nor.no. The original is not to be forwarded afterwards.
10. Appointment of process agent
If registered according to the act of 12 June 1987 No. 48 relating to a Norwegian International Ship Register (NIS) Section 1 no.3: KR-0060 must be signed with binding signature by the charterer and the appointed Process Agent. Please send to post@nis-nor.no.
11. Management agreement
If the charterer satisfies the conditions set out in the act of 12 June 1987 No. 48 relating to a Norwegian International Ship Register (NIS) Section no. 2 or 3, a management agreement is to be presented. The agreement must show the connection between the charterer and the Norwegian management company. BIMCO's standard agreement may be used. Send a copy to post@nis-nor.no.
12. Company documentation, if the charterer is a foreign registered company
For Norwegian registered companies, the NIS relies on registered information in the company register in Brønnøysund. Foreign charterers must prepare equivalent documentation prior to registration. Read more about the requirements here. To be forwarded in original.
13. Appointment of ISM-liable company
The form, KR-0014 is to be signed by both parties (charterer and ISM liable) and sent to post@nis-nor.no. After registration has taken place a color scan of the endorsed form will be sent to the ISM liable company per e-mail to be kept on board.
14. FORM 2
Amendment to the Closed CSR from the primary register, KR-IMO-02-BB.
Kindly note that each CSR document is to be accompanied by a FORM 3, KR-IMO-03: Index of amendments to that specific document. Send to post@nis-nor.no.
15. Registration fees per 1 January 2022
NOK 3 812, - for the formal registration of the ship. An invoice will be sent out after registration has taken place. To ensure correct invoicing we kindly ask the recipient to fill in the payment information form, KR-0070. Send a signed copy to post@nis-nor.no.
In addition, there will be charged initial- and annual fees according to the ship's NET, annual fee to maintain the registration as well as fees for dispensation applications and certain certificates ref. the NMA's Tariff of Fees / Fees Regulations.
Imported ships which have previously been registered in NOR or NIS are exempt from the initial fee.
Ships are exempt from the annual fee the year the ship is registered in the NIS register.
Special certificates and permits not covered by initial fees and annual fees ref. the Tariff of Fees S. 6
Certificate of insurance or other financial security for civil liability for oil pollution damage (CLC), NOK 2 006, -
Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of oil pollution liability for ships pursuant to the Bunkers Convention 2001, NOK 3 081, -
Initial and annual NIS fees may be calculated by the use of this fee calculator.
16. Is the ship situated abroad at the time of delivery?
The nearest, Norwegian Consular Station will be contacted for assistance with issuance of a Provisional Certificate of Nationality/Registry upon registration. An original certificate will then be on board prior to departure. Provide us with the necessary information to proceed on KR-0011. Send to post@nis-nor.no.
17. Please note
All documents, notarial statements etc. must be issued in one of the Scandinavian languages, English or translated by a licensed translator.
All documents related to the registration process must be sent directly to the Department of Ship Registration
The Norwegian Maritime Authority, Department of Ship Registration
Visiting address: Nygårdsgaten 114, NO-5008 Bergen
Mailing address: P.O.Box 73 Nygårdstangen, NO-5838 Bergen
Contact us and we will guide you through the registration process
Phone (+47) 52 74 50 00, e-mail: post@nis-nor.no
18. Remember to apply for ship certificates
Issuance of most ship certificates for NIS vessels are delegated to approved classification societies. Some are, however, still issued by the Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA)/Norwegian Authorities. Kindly send applications to the NMA to post@sdir.no.
Registered owner in the primary register applies for:
CLB Bunker Oil (All vessels of 1000 GT and more)
CLC Oil Pollution Damage (all ships carrying more than 2 000 tons of persistent oil as cargo in bulk)
Wreck removal certificates (all ships of 300 GT and more). Norway has an agreement with Denmark for issuance.
The charterer applies for:
Safe Manning (All passenger vessels. Cargo vessels of 50 GT and more).
DMLC Part I (seafarers' working and living conditions)
PRL (Certificate on the Liability of Carriers of Passengers by Sea in the Event of Accidents)
Ship Sanitation Certificate. Administered by the Norwegian Directorate of Health.
19. Qualification and Medical Certificate Requirements
Maritime personnel must possess either Norwegian certificates of competency or a Norwegian endorsement on their national certificates. See our guidance on endorsements.
Any questions regarding personnel certificates may be directed to the section for seafarers on phone no. (+47) 52 74 50 00.
About Medical Certificates approved for service on board Norwegian vessels.
20. Please also remember to apply for a radio license
Maritime radio licenses are issued by Telenor Kystradio. Follow this link to Telenor Kystradio for license application for commercial vessels. https://www.kystradio.no/s/article/Kj%C3%B8p-Yrkesb%C3%A5tlisens?language=en_US
Bareboat registration out of NIS/NOR
PUBLISHED: 17/06/2020
Please find the full details and documentation requirements for the formal registration below the index.
Content on this page
1. Are there any mortgages registered against the vessel?
2. Consent from the registered owner
3. Bareboat charter party
4. Confirmation from the foreign bareboat register
5. FORM 2, amendment to the Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)
6. Fees per 1 January 2022
7. Please note
Contact us and we will guide you through the registration process
1. Are there any mortgages registered against the vessel?
The mortgagee must consent to the bareboat out registration. New flag and charter period must be specified. The amendment must be made on the original ship mortgage deed.
If the mortgagee is a foreign body: A Notary Public must confirm the identity and authority of the person signing. The Notary's signature is then to be legalized or amended with an Apostille.
Kindly send the original ship mortgage deed with amendment to the Department of Ship Registration prior to bareboat out registration of the ship.
2. Consent from the registered owner
Registered owner must consent to the bareboat registration on form KR-0031. Name of new flag, which period applies (from/to, in accordance with the bareboat charter party) as well as owner’s full name and full style address must be stated. To be signed with binding signature by the owner or by the owner’s Norwegian Representative/Process Agent. Send to post@nis-nor.no.
3. Bareboat charter party
Registered owner, bareboat charterer and period must be stated. Send a copy to post@nis-nor.no.
4. Confirmation from the foreign bareboat register
The new register must confirm that the ship will be bareboat registered under their flag for the period specified in the charter party. Name of the vessel and allocated call sign in the bareboat register must be stated. The confirmation is to be amended with an Apostille or legalized by a Norwegian Consular Station. Registration may take place upon receipt of a PDF copy. Final registration will, however, be conditional upon receipt of the original within three weeks.
5. FORM 2, amendment to the Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)
Send a copy of the signed form, KR-IMO-02-BB to post@nis-nor.no.
6. Fees per 1 January 2022
NOK 2 296, - for the bareboat out registration, + NOK 688, - for consent from the NIS/NOR + NOK 2 296, - per consent from mortgagee(s). An invoice will be sent out after registration has taken place. To ensure correct invoicing we kindly ask the recipient to fill in the form payment information, KR-0070 and send the signed form to post@nis-nor.no.
Annual fee NIS
Kindly note that the annual fee applies per calendar year. For ships deleted from and including 1 January, a full fee must be paid. A reduction is, unfortunately, not possible. For foreign registered shipowning companies, the invoice will be sent to the Norwegian Representative/Process Agent who is responsible for paying the annual fee.
7. Please note
All documents related to the registration process must be sent directly to
The Norwegian Maritime Authority, Department of Ship Registration
Postal address: PO Box 73 Nygårdstangen, N-5838 BERGEN
Visiting address: Nygårdsgaten 114, N-5008 BERGEN
Vessel and Yacht Eligibility & Survey Requirements
There are no explicit age restrictions on vessels provided the technical standard is satisfactory. Norwegian and foreign owned self-propelled passenger and cargo ships, hovercraft, drilling platforms and other movable installations which are over 15 meters (or less if the vessel is solely or mainly engaged in commercial activity and not trading with Norway) can be registered in the Norwegian Ship Registers.
Ships registered in the NIS may not carry cargo or passengers between Norwegian ports or passengers on a regular basis between a Norwegian and a foreign port. Dispensations may be granted on a case by case basis. For this purpose, oil and gas installations on the Norwegian continental shelf are regarded as Norwegian ports.
Cargo ships above 500 GRT, with the exception of offshore supply and/or service vessels, require 1A1 rating in Det Norske Veritas or equivalent class notation from one of the approved classification societies:
• American Bureau of Shipping
• Bureau Veritas
• Lloyd's Register of Shipping
• Det Norske Veritas
In addition, the Maritime Directorate carries out its own inspections on approximately 20% of the fleet per year.
Renewal of statutory certificates is required at registration by one of the approved classification societies. The above classification societies are authorized to carry out inspections and to issue all certificates to cargo vessels except those concerning manning and seafarer qualifications.
Cargo ships of less than 500 GRT and all passenger ships, supply vessels, standby vessels and mobile offshore units are to be surveyed by Norwegian Maritime Directorate or by the relevant classification society or other institution appointed on a case-by-case basis.
Vessels registered in the Norwegian Ship Registers must have a manning certificate issued by the Maritime Authority. When a vessel transfers to the NOR or NIS, the owner must apply to the Maritime Authority for a manning Certificate. The Authority will take into consideration the technical standard of the vessel, the administrative and organizational arrangements, the method of propulsion, and the extent to any automation, job combinations and/or overlapping competence, tonnage, trading areas etc.
There are no restrictions with regard to the nationality of the crew aboard NOR vessels except the master must be from either Norway or a country within EU/EEA.
There are no restrictions with regard to the nationality of the crew aboard NIS vessels except that the master must have a special permit from the NMA if he/she is from outside the EU/EEA. Applications for waivers of this restriction are treated liberally.
All seafarers other than cruise catering personnel shall undergo approved basic safety training, or have at least one years' seagoing experience. Personnel with bridge or engine room watch duties or those who carry out loading/discharging functions on tankers must meet all relevant STCW requirements.
Persons holding non-Norwegian certificates must apply to the Maritime Authority for a qualification document. If the country has ratified the STCW convention, this is normally a straightforward matter. In the case of radio personnel, application should be addressed to the Telecommunications Directorate. Ship's Cooks Certificates issued by countries ratifying ILO Convention No. 69 are normally approved without difficulty. Cooks without any certificate, but with at least three years' practice, will be granted dispensation.
Seafarers must also be registered with “the NAV State Register of Employers and Employees (Aa-registeret)” https://www.nav.no/en/Home/Employers/NAV+State+Register+of+Employers+and+Employees
A crew member's qualification, employment agreement, health certificate, and “report on employment, commencement and termination of service on vessel and termination of employment” (obtainable at the MEE) must be controlled by the shipping company/ employer).
The application for a Seafarer's Qualification Document must be made on a standard form which can be obtained from an Embassy/ Consulate. Based on the application and attached documents (originals or certified copies), the Embassy/Consulate will issue a Certificate of Receipt of Application which serves as a qualification document for three months.
The Act of 21 June 2013 No. 102 relating to employment protection etc. for employees on board ships (Ship Labour Act) applies to vessels in NIS. Collective wage agreements can be entered into with Norwegian or foreign unions. Agreements entered into with individuals, with written approval from the appropriate union, will be considered valid. Both the collective and individual wage agreements should include a clause stating that they are subject to Norwegian law and Norwegian courts. In certain circumstances, it is possible to transfer jurisdiction to courts in the seafarer's country of residence.
The Norwegian Shipowners' Association has concluded several collective wage agreements with maritime unions in Norway as well as India, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, and Russia.
Seamen who are not Norwegian nationals or residents in Norway will not be covered by the Seamen's Pension Plan or the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme. However, the EEA treaty and EU regulations provide that all EU citizens serving on Norwegian vessels, NIS included, should be treated as Norwegians and be covered by the Norwegian public system. The employer must pay social taxes at a rate of 14.1% of the seafarer's gross wages and the seafarer must pay 8,2%, of his gross salary. In addition, the employer must pay a premium to the Seamen's Pension with a 3.3% of gross wage and the seafarer himself an amount of NOK 357 for ratings or NOK 457 for officers per month to the Pension Plan. Finally, the employers shall for EEA seafarers pay a premium in accordance with the Occupational Insurance Act which is approximately NOK 5,000 per year. For seafarers outside the EEA and catering crews on cruise vessels, the social security liabilities are covered by the P&I Clubs. Special P&I protection is required for the catering crew members who are citizens of an EEA country.
The regular working hours are regulated through the regulations of 26 June 2007 No. 705 on hours of work and rest on board Norwegian passenger and cargo ships, etc. and shall be 8 hours a day, with one day of rest per week and rest on holidays.
On passenger ships on regular domestic voyages with shift or watch systems and other ships of less than 300 gross tonnage, the regular working hours may be exceeded, however not to the extent that the total number of working hours during a period of 12 weeks at the most exceed an average of 56 hours a week.
Registration of a mortgage is completed through the Norwegian Maritime Authority, Department of Ship Registration, Bergen. The mortgage may be in any foreign currency. The original Mortgage Deed and original Power of Attorney if the Deed is not notarized for authorized signature must have arrived at the NMA office in Bergen in order for the mortgage to be registered. Documents not in one of the approved languages will require a certified translation, and all foreign documents must be notarized and then legalized by the Norwegian Consul or, if applicable, apostilled.
NIS Vessels, NOR Vessels 15m or more, and the Shipbuilding Register (BYGG):
Fee (NOK)
Initial Registration kr 2,660
Change of ownership kr 1,600
Amendment of owner legal entity kr 800
Change of ship's name kr 2,130
Change of home port kr 535
New mortgage kr 1,870
Fleet mortgage kr 1,870 per ship/newbuilding
Amendments to existing mortgages/other legal rights kr 1,600
Deletion of mortgage
Deletion of vessel from NOR/NIS
Deletion of newbuilding from BYGG
Transcript of register kr 480
Certificate of Ownership and Encumbrance kr 480
Deletion certificate kr 480
Journal confirmation kr 480
Certified copy of a document kr 185
List of registered ships kr 480
Vessels less than 15 m (not subject to mandatory registration: Fee (NOK)
Initial Registration - vessel's measurements being documented by owner kr 2,660
Initial Registration - vessel's measurements being documented by NMD kr 1,870
Change of ownership kr 1,280
Amendment of owner legal entity kr 800
Change of vessel's name kr 535
Change of vessel's home port kr 535
Simultaneous registration of:
Change of owner and vessel's name kr 1,280
Change of owner and home port kr 1,280
Change of owner, vessel's name and home port kr 1,280
New mortgage kr 1,870
Fleet mortgage kr 1,870 per ship/newbuilding
Amendments to existing mortgages/other legal rights kr 1,600
Deletion of mortgage
Deletion of vessel
Transcript of register kr 480
Certificate of Ownership and Encumbrance kr 480
Deletion certificate kr 480
Journal confirmation kr 480
Certified copy of a document kr 185
List of registered ships kr 480
Department of Ship Registration:
The Norwegian Maritime Authority
Department of Ship Registration
PO Box 73 Nygårdstangen
E-mail: post@nis-nor.no
Website: www.sjofartsdir.no
Stockholm Agreement 96
IMO Convention 48
* IMO amendments 91
* IMO amendments 93
SOLAS Convention 74
SOLAS Protocol 78
SOLAS Protocol 88
LOAD LINES Convention 66
LOAD LINES Protocol 88
TONNAGE Convention 69
COLREG Convention 72
CSC Convention 72
CSC amendments 93
SFV Protocol 93
STCW Convention 78
STCW-F Convention 95
SAR Convention 79
STP Agreement 71
STP Protocol 73
IMSO Convention 76
INMARSAT amendments 94
INMARSAT amendments 98
IMSO amendments 2006
IMSO amendments 2008
FACILITATION Convention 65
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I/II)
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex IV)
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V)
MARPOL Protocol 97 (Annex VI)
London Convention 72
London Convention Protocol 96
INTERVENTION Convention 69
CLC Convention 69
CLC Protocol 76
CLC Protocol 92
FUND Convention 71
FUND Protocol 92
FUND Protocol 2003
NUCLEAR Convention 71
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex III)
PAL Protocol 76
PAL Protocol 90
PAL Protocol 02
LLMC Convention 76
LLMC Protocol 96
SUA Convention 2005
SUA Protocol 2005
SALVAGE Convention 89
OPRC Convention 90
HNS Convention 96
Cape Town Agreement 2012
SUA Convention 88
SUA Protocol 88
IMO Conventions
Status of Conventions Norway
IMO Convention 48 x
SOLAS Convention 74 x
SOLAS Protocol 78 x
SOLAS Protocol 88 x
SOLAS Agreement 96 x
LOAD LINES Convention 66 x
LOAD LINES Protocol 88 x
TONNAGE Convention 69 x
COLREG Convention 72 x
CSC Convention 72 x
CSC amendments 93
SFV Protocol 93 x
Cape Town Agreement 2012 x
STCW Convention 78 x
STCW-F Convention 95 x
SAR Convention 79 x
STP Agreement 71 x
Space STP Protocol 73 x
IMSO Convention 76 x
IMSO amendments 2006
IMSO amendments 2008
FACILITATION Convention 65 x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I/II) x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex III) x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex IV) x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V) x
MARPOL Protocol 97 (Annex VI) x
London Convention 72 x
London Convention Protocol 96 x
INTERVENTION Convention 69 x
INTERVENTION Protocol 73 x
CLC Convention 69 d
CLC Protocol 76 x
CLC Protocol 92 x
FUND Protocol 76 x
FUND Protocol 92 x
FUND Protocol 2003 x
NUCLEAR Convention 71 x
PAL Convention 74
PAL Protocol 76
PAL Protocol 90
PAL Protocol 02 x
LLMC Convention 76 d
LLMC Protocol 96 x
SUA Convention 88 x
SUA Protocol 88 x
SUA Convention 2005 x
SUA Protocol 2005 x
SALVAGE Convention 89 x
OPRC Convention 90 x
HNS Convention 96
HNS PROT 2010 x
OPRC/HNS 2000 x
x= ratification