Jersey (Red Ensign Group Cat 2)
Shipowner Eligibility
Commonwealth, EU and British nationals are all entitled to individual ownership rather than through a company and ownership through a Foundation is also an attractive option for some.
About the Flag
Jersey is a British crown dependency but is not part of the UK or of the European Union. However, the UK Government is constitutionally responsible for its defense and international representation. It is one of the Channel Islands located in the English Channel between the UK and France. The British Register of Ships in Jersey is the largest Category 2 registry in the Red Ensign Group.
The island has specific tax, ownership and Social Security advantages for its ships and for crew employment contracts managed under Jersey Law. It is not part of the EU Social Security or VAT regimes. EU resident users may prefer to pay VAT on importation into the Union. Alternatively, temporary importation into the EU is available for all yachts for 18 months at a time. This makes the Jersey registry ideal for non-EU owners whether they wish to sail in EU waters or worldwide.
On 26 November 2013 the Shipping Register in Jersey took a major step towards being a fully open register – A new MOU with the United Kingdom’s MCA was been signed so that the Island can register commercial vessels, including workboats, up to 399 gt. (The previous limit was just 150gt). This followed an amending Order in Council made in May and local Jersey legislation passed in November. It is also the culmination of developments which have seen the appointment of the Island’s Marine Surveyor and agreements being reached with Recognised Organisations such as Lloyd's Register and RINA. The MOU lays down ship safety standards, quality objectives and a delegation matrix which are all in line with full Category 1 jurisdictions such as the Isle of Man and the Cayman Islands so this move lays the groundwork for future expansion should the Island want it. In the meantime, the advantages of Jersey as an efficient pragmatic British Register which lies outside the EU continue to be appreciated and the Registry has already seen growth of over 10% this year ahead of this expansion.
The Small Ships Register
The Small Ships Register (SSR) is an inexpensive and simple method to show where your ship is registered when you enter international waters or foreign ports. The SSR is only applicable to Jersey residents.
Registration with the SSR costs less than full registration but it does not provide proof of ownership and a marine mortgage cannot be recorded. If you require this, you should apply for full registration.
Company Formation
For more information, contact the registry.
The island has specific tax, ownership and Social Security advantages for its ships and for crew employment contracts managed under Jersey Law. It is not part of the EU Social Security or VAT regimes. EU resident users may prefer to pay VAT on importation into the Union. Alternatively, temporary importation into the EU is available for all yachts for 18 months at a time.
For more information, visit www.gov.je/TaxesMoney.
Registration and Documentation
In order to register, one required to complete and submit the following documentation to the British Register of Ships in Jersey:
• Application form
• Declaration of eligibility form
• Title (ownership) documentation in the form of a Builder’s Certificate and/or Bill(s) of Sale covering at least the previous 5 years (or fewer years if a new build)
• Proof of closure from any prior registry
• A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation if it is to be company owned
• A tonnage survey (obtainable from an authorised surveyor)
• Commercial coding certificate if it is to be commercially registered (from MECAL Ltd)
• The prescribed fee
The Certificate of Registry is valid for 10 years if ownership does not change during this period (other REG registries are valid for 5 years only). Upon change of ownership the period commences again for another 10 years. A renewal reminder will be sent to the owner by the registrar prior to expiry.
The registration number allocated is unique to the vessel and cannot be transferred to another craft.
Provisional Registration
Those interested in provisional registration should complete an application form with as much detail as possible, and return it to the Ships’ Registry with the prescribed fee. This is useful for those who have not yet provided all the required documentation. The Provisional Certificate will be valid for 3 months and gives the vessel full rights of passage. It may be renewed upon request and payment of the prescribed fee.
Bareboat Charter Registration
For more information, contact the Registry.
Vessel and Yacht Eligibility & Survey Requirements
Jersey can register commercial vessels, including workboats, up to 399 gt.
Vessels should comply with STCW standards as laid down in the Shipping (Training, Certification and Manning) (Jersey) Order 2004. These are based on UK Statutory Instruments 1997 No.1320 and 0348 and the STCW Convention of 1978.
To register a mortgage over shares in the vessel, please complete an MCGA mortgage deed in association with the mortgagee and return it to the Ships' Registry with the prescribed fee.
Mortgage forms on the MCGA website
To register mortgage intent, please complete the MCGA intent deed and return it to the Ships' Registry with the prescribed fee. The intent is valid for 1 month from registration, and may be renewed for 1 month at a time thereafter by paying the prescribed fee.
Mortgage intent form on MCGA website
Full Registration
Initial Registry, Registry Anew, Transfer of Port to Jersey, Re-Registry
Pleasure Vessels Under 150 GT and Owned by Jersey Resident or Company
All other vessels
Provisional registration
Transfer of Ownership by Bill of Sale
Transfer of Ownership by Transmission on Death of owner
Registration of priority notice by intending mortgagee
Renewal of priority notice by intending mortgagee
Registration of Mortgage
Transfer or Transmission of Mortgage
Discharge of Mortgage
Change in particulars, including change of Engine, Authorised Officer and change of Representative Person
Change of Vessel name
Issue of duplicate certificate
Transcript of a Register
Request for Closure by owner
Transcript of a Closed Register
Transcript of a Register at other than current date
Transfer of Port of Registry from Jersey, including transcript & closure
Inspecting a Register Book
Certified Copy of Document
Small Ships Register Service Fee, Registration or renewal
Fast track
Duplicate certificate
Ports of Jersey
For specific questions regarding the registry, please contact Debbie Podger
Debbie Podger
Assistant Registrar
Jersey Ships' Registry
Ports of Jersey
LOCATION: Albert Terminal, Albert Pier, St Helier, Jersey.
POSTAL ADDRESS: Maritime House, La Route du Port Elizabeth, St Helier, Jersey, JE1 1HB
T: +44(0)1534 447728 | E: debbie.podger@ports.je | W: www.ports.je
To contact Ports of Jersey, reach out to any of the following:
Jersey Coastguard
T: +44 (0)1534 447705
E: jerseycoastguard@ports.je
Postal Address:
Jersey Coastguard
Maritime House
St Helier
Jersey Marinas
T: +44 (0)1534 447708/447730
E: jerseymarinas@ports.je
Postal Address:
Jersey Marinas
Marine Leisure Centre
New North Quay
St Helier
Ship Registry
T: +44 (0)1534 448128
E: shipsregistry@ports.je
Postal Address:
Maritime House
La Route du Port Elizabeth
St Helier
Albert Terminal, Albert Pier
St Helier
Boat Hoist
T: +44 (0)1534 447773
Media Enquiries/Press Office
T: +44 (0)1534 446020
E: marcomms@ports.je
Stockholm Agreement 96
IMO Convention 48
* IMO amendments 91
* IMO amendments 93
SOLAS Convention 74
SOLAS Protocol 78
SOLAS Protocol 88
LOAD LINES Convention 66
LOAD LINES Protocol 88
TONNAGE Convention 69
COLREG Convention 72
CSC Convention 72
CSC amendments 93
SFV Protocol 93
STCW Convention 78
STCW-F Convention 95
SAR Convention 79
STP Agreement 71
STP Protocol 73
IMSO Convention 76
INMARSAT amendments 94
INMARSAT amendments 98
IMSO amendments 2006
IMSO amendments 2008
FACILITATION Convention 65
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I/II)
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex IV)
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V)
MARPOL Protocol 97 (Annex VI)
London Convention 72
London Convention Protocol 96
INTERVENTION Convention 69
CLC Convention 69
CLC Protocol 76
CLC Protocol 92
FUND Convention 71
FUND Protocol 92
FUND Protocol 2003
NUCLEAR Convention 71
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex III)
PAL Protocol 76
PAL Protocol 90
PAL Protocol 02
LLMC Convention 76
LLMC Protocol 96
SUA Convention 2005
SUA Protocol 2005
SALVAGE Convention 89
OPRC Convention 90
HNS Convention 96
Cape Town Agreement 2012
SUA Convention 88
SUA Protocol 88
IMO Conventions
Status of Conventions Jersey (Member of the Red Ensign group)
IMO Convention 48 x
SOLAS Convention 74 x
SOLAS Protocol 78 x
SOLAS Protocol 88 x
SOLAS Agreement 96 x
LOAD LINES Convention 66 x
LOAD LINES Protocol 88 x
TONNAGE Convention 69 x
COLREG Convention 72 x
CSC Convention 72 x
CSC amendments 93
SFV Protocol 93
Cape Town Agreement 2012
STCW Convention 78 x
STCW-F Convention 95
SAR Convention 79 x
STP Agreement 71 x
Space STP Protocol 73 x
IMSO Convention 76 x
IMSO amendments 2006
IMSO amendments 2008
FACILITATION Convention 65 x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I/II) x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex III) x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex IV) x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V) x
MARPOL Protocol 97 (Annex VI) x
London Convention 72 x
London Convention Protocol 96 x
INTERVENTION Convention 69 x
INTERVENTION Protocol 73 x
CLC Convention 69 d
CLC Protocol 76 d
CLC Protocol 92 x
FUND Protocol 76 d
FUND Protocol 92 x
FUND Protocol 2003 x
NUCLEAR Convention 71
PAL Convention 74 d
PAL Protocol 76 d
PAL Protocol 90
PAL Protocol 02 x
LLMC Convention 76 d
LLMC Protocol 96 x
SUA Convention 88 x
SUA Protocol 88 x
SUA Convention 2005
SUA Protocol 2005
SALVAGE Convention 89 x
OPRC Convention 90 x
HNS Convention 96
x= ratification