Shipowner Eligibility
Only a ship of Finnish nationality is eligible to be registered. A vessel is of Finnish nationality and entitled to fly the Finnish flag if a Finnish citizen, a Finnish corporation, or a Finnish foundation (trust) owns more than 6/10 of the vessel. The Ministry of Traffic can grant exemptions to these requirements if the use of the vessel is under the control of Finnish owners or if the vessel is owned by persons or entities with their home state or state of residence within the EEA.
About the Flag
Located in Northern Europe bordering the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia, and Gulf of Finland between Sweden and Russia, the Republic of Finland is a member of the UN, IMO, OECD, and EU. It is headed by the President, Prime Minister, and unicameral Parliament. Helsinki is the capital, and Finnish is the most widely spoken language. The legal system is a civil law system with Swedish influences. Finland has a highly industrialized, largely free market economy. Its key economic sector is manufacturing, principally the wood, metals, and engineering industries. Chief exports include paper and pulp, machinery, chemicals, metals, and timber. The EC countries are its leading trade partners. The unit of currency is the Euro.
The registration of ships in Finland is governed by Finnish Maritime Code (674/l994) (“the Code”); the Ship Register Act and Statute (512/l993) (“the Act”); and the Ship Register Decree (874/1993) (the “Statute”). The Finnish ship register is maintained by the Finnish Maritime Administration (“FMA”). However, the local Municipal Government for the Åland Islands maintains a register for ships which have the province of Åland as their port of registry. Currently, some 100 vessels are entered in the Åland Ship Register. The port of registry for ships registered in Finland can be named by the owner. In other cases, the port of registry is the residence of the owner or, if the owner is not domiciled in Finland, the city of Helsinki.
Company Formation
In Finland, there are four main forms of companies: private limited companies, public limited companies, limited partnership companies, and partnerships. Further, special shipping companies under joint ownership can be formed to own and operate ships. These shipping companies are mainly subject to the laws applicable to partnerships.
Limited Company
The most common form of business in Finland is the limited liability company which is the only corporate form in which the capital is divided into shares and liability is imposed only on the company itself. The formation and operation of limited liability companies are governed by the Limited Company Act of 1997.
There are two kinds of limited liability companies: the private limited liability company (in Finnish, "osakeyhtiö" or its abbreviation "Oy," in Swedish, "aktiebolag" or "Ab") - (link) and the public limited liability company (in Finnish, "julkinen osakeyhtiö" or "Oyj", in Swedish "publikt aktiebolag" or "Abp," and in English "International Corporation"). The main difference between these two forms of companies is that a public limited liability company may be issued to the public and traded publicly.
When new companies are incorporated, the deed of formation including a proposal for the Articles of Association, the minutes of the constituent meeting of shareholders, and other documents are to be submitted to the Trade Registry, which oversees the compliance of all legal requirements. The company becomes a legal entity when it is registered in the Trade Register. To a certain extent, preparations for the business can be made on behalf of the company before the registration. A limited liability company may be formed by one founder who may be an individual or a company. At least one half of the founders must be residents of EEA countries unless a special permission from the Ministry of Trade is obtained. EEA countries are the EU countries and the former EFTA countries. A company's accounting period is normally a calendar year. The beginning and the final date of the twelve month period can, however, be freely chosen. The entire share capital may be held by a single shareholder who may be an individual or a company.
The Articles of Association either state the minimum and maximum share capital or the fixed amount of share capital authorized and issued. Different classes of shares may have different voting rights if defined in the Articles of Association. However, no share may carry more than 20 times the voting rights of any other share. The shareholders shall meet annually. The annual meeting is called the general meeting, and it must be held within six months after the end of the fiscal year. An extraordinary meeting may be held whenever the board of directors considers it necessary. Minority shareholders have also the right to call an extraordinary meeting.
A limited liability company is managed by a board of directors and, usually, a managing director. The managing director does not necessarily have to be a member of the board. The board of directors is elected by the shareholders and the managing director is normally appointed by the board. At least half of the members of the board and the managing director must be residents of EEA countries. The Ministry of Trade can exempt the company from this provision. Such exemption is usually granted without difficulty, but the registration will take a few extra weeks. A company must always have one member of the board, a managing director or a representative resident in Finland, who is authorized to accept service of notices and writs. Resolutions in the shareholders' meetings may be passed by a simple majority with the exception that the Articles of Association can be changed only by a 2/3 majority vote of the shareholders represented at the meeting. Changes affecting shareholders' rights usually require unanimous approval. The new law will establish some changes to the voting procedures if the company has shares with different rights other than voting rights. The general rule is that a member of the board or a shareholder is not personally liable for the debts of the company. However, negligence concerning taxes, social security costs or VAT can, in certain circumstances, lead to personal liability for the board members. The members of the board may also become personally liable for damages caused to the creditors of the company if they fail to comply with certain provisions under the Limited Company Act when the equity of the company has decreased to 1/3 (50% according to the new law) of its registered share capital. The members of the board and the managing director are liable to compensate the company for all damages caused deliberately or through negligence by them in their respective positions. The same applies to damages caused to shareholders or third parties by breaching the provisions of the Articles of Association or the Limited Company Act. In case a company has more than half of the voting power in another company, the company is considered to be a parent company. The other company is accordingly considered to be a subsidiary. In case the parent company and its subsidiary/subsidiaries together have more than half of the shares in a third company, this third company is also considered to be a subsidiary. The parent company and its subsidiaries form a group of companies. The fact that a company belongs to a group of companies does not directly affect its taxation since each company in a group is considered to be a separate object for taxation. The consolidated balance of the group of companies can, however, restrict the possibilities for the parent company to pay dividends. The parent company has to include the group balance to its annual tax return.
Branches of EEA domiciled companies may be established in Finland without special permission. A permission granted by the Ministry of Trade is required for companies resident outside EEA counties. The branch must be registered with the Trade Register. A branch is established by a decision of the governing body of the foreign company. A branch is generally subject to the same bookkeeping requirements as domestic corporations, and branches are generally taxed in the same manner as Finnish corporations.
A partnership is a common form of business organization for small entities. A partnership is formed by the parties entering into a partnership agreement. The new partnership has to be registered with the Trade Register. Partnerships are classified as general partnerships ("avoin yhtiö" or "Ay") or limited partnerships ("kommandiittiyhtiö" or "Ky"). The partners in a general partnership are jointly and severally liable for the partnerships' obligations. In the limited partnership at least one partner's liability is unlimited.
Shipping Company
A special form of company, a shipping company, where merchant shipping is practiced with one registered ship by two or several persons is governed by the Code, section 5. However, the shipping company is not a separate judicial person. Thus, shipowners each own a specified share of the ship, and their personal liability for the debts of the shipping company is no more than their share. The profits of the accounting period are also distributed in proportion to the shares. Decisions are made in the shareholders' meetings where the right to vote is calculated on the basis of shares owned. For the management of a shipping company, a main shipowner who is a permanent resident in some ETA country shall be appointed. The functions of the managing owner are in principle similar to those of a managing person in a limited corporation. Final accounts and audits are similar to a partnership. A shipping company does not have to be registered with the Trade Register.
The income tax rate for corporations, subsidiaries, and branches of foreign corporations is 28%. Resident companies are liable for tax on their total income regardless of where it has been earned. A company registered in Finland is always considered to be resident in Finland. Nonresident companies are taxed on their Finnish source income. The effective tax rate for distributed dividends is at least the same 28% because of the imputation ("avoir fiscal") system. Companies and their owners are taxed for their income separately. However, dividend income is taxed only once and a shareholder may credit the taxes paid by the company in accordance with specific regulations. Income received by corporations is not subject to other income tax such as municipal taxation. Corporations are not subject to net wealth taxation either. The taxation of companies is based on the results reported in their annual profit and loss statement, with certain adjustments for tax purposes. The taxable income for a corporation is determined based on the statutory accounts adjusted for nontaxable and deductible items.
In practice, there is a close connection between the determination of net income for tax and for financial statement purposes. The relationship between taxable income and financial income is defined in the Business Income Tax Act. Capital gains are considered as ordinary income for tax purposes and capital losses are fully deductible from the income. For tax purposes, the inventories at the end of the financial period are valued either at acquisition cost, market value or replacement cost at that date, whichever is lowest. Fixed assets are reported annually in the balance sheet at their acquisition cost less depreciation. Expenses are generally deductible if they were incurred for the purpose of obtaining or maintaining taxable income. Interest on loans obtained for business purposes is deductible in full on an accrual basis. Finland has no thin capitalization rules (debt to equity ratio), which would result in the disallowance of a portion of interest expense.
The use of tax exempt reserves has been eliminated. There are detailed rules for the depreciation of different types of assets. Losses may be carried forward or offset against future profits for ten years. Losses can no longer be carried forward if there is an ownership change of more than 50% of the shares. Exemptions may be granted by the Ministry of Finance. Members of a group of companies are taxed individually. There are no provisions for filing consolidated tax returns. Transactions between group companies should be made on an arm's length basis. Finnish tax law includes no provisions for tax free transfers of assets among members of a group of companies, except certain conditions in mergers. The tax levied on branches of foreign companies in Finland is the same as that imposed on limited liability companies, except that branches of foreign corporations are taxed on net worth invested in Finland at a rate of one percent per year. Most of Finland's tax treaties, however, exempt foreign branches from this tax. Branch remittances of profits are not subject to final withholding tax at source. Finland introduced a full value added tax system in 1994. This system complies with the taxation in the other EU member states. The value added tax rate is generally 22% with certain exemptions regarding food stuffs, cinema, medicines, and books. The lower rate for these business activities is at present 12%. The tax rate for transportation and hotel business is 6%. Finland does not have a system of indirect tax credits. Foreign withholding tax paid on dividends, interest and royalties repatriated to Finland is credited against Finnish taxes on the same income. Because dividends from tax treaty countries are usually tax exempt, the foreign withholding tax is the final cost to the Finnish recipient.
The total tax burden of shipowning companies is often affected by applicable tax exemptions. Shipowning companies are subject to tax relief, for example, with respect to shipbuilding in Finland. Further, ships entered into the Finnish Catalog of Merchant Ships in Foreign Traffic are eligible for governmental aid with regard to taxes relating to employment. By a separate protocol to the Finnish Accession Treaty to the EU, the Aland Islands are excluded from the fiscal territory of the European Communities to a certain extent. For example, the Aland Islands are considered as a third territory with respect to excise duties and VAT in the EU area. Thus, duty-free sales can continue in traffic between Aland and other EU states after such trade is no longer possible in normal internal traffic within the EU.
Registration and Documentation
The Finnish Ship Register does not distinguish between provisional and permanent registration. It is possible, however, to maintain a temporary Certificate of Nationality usually in cases when a foreign ship abroad will be registered in the Finnish Registry or vice versa.
An application for registration should be submitted to the FMA and shall normally contain:
A written application including the address and telephone number of the applicant (Freeform applications are accepted provided that they include the same information as is required for the formal application)
Power of attorney if the applicant is not the owner of the ship.
Original or notarized Bill of Sale proved by two witnesses or other declaration of ownership in due form evidencing all transfers of ownership during the period the ship has not been registered (In cases when the Bill of Sale has been made abroad or if the ship has been built abroad, the documents must be legalized by the Finnish Consul or appropriate foreign authority)
If the ship has not previously been registered, Builder's Certificate or, in cases of self-building, another appropriate declaration
Extract from the Trade Register in cases where a seller or a purchaser is a limited company, partnership, or private commercial name, or an individual identity number if the owner is an individual person.
Extract from the minutes regarding the decision of the purchase including a list of the parties present and a declaration of quorum (Articles of Association are required if the ship has been purchased from abroad)
A Measurement Certificate if the ship is over 12 meters, or if the ship is shorter, a Certificate of Tonnage (A ship which has been purchased from abroad must be measured in Finland)
A Temporary Certificate of Nationality in cases when it has been given abroad
A Customs Certificate if the ship has been imported outside of the European Union
If the ship has been purchased from abroad, a declaration evidencing that the ship is not registered anywhere else and that ship is free from all mortgages
A special Form of Ship including the following information about the ship: name and previous name, class society, shipping company, material of hull, building place and year, builder, number of main engine power including, ice class, dwt, speed and draught with load (This document is not compulsory)
If the application is insufficient and it is possible to correct the lacking parts of the application, the applicant shall be requested to supplement his application. As all documents (except for the Measurement Certificate) shall be furnished in original or as legalized copies, faxed documents are unacceptable. The documents can, however, be faxed beforehand provided that the original documents are sent afterwards. The application is acceptable only in Finnish or Swedish but supporting documents may be submitted also in English. Registration forms are available at the FMA and at the county government of Aland.
The following main information is entered in the Ship Register: the time of registration, registration number, current and previous names, home port, signal letters and IMO number; type of ship, tonnage, dimensions, builder and place of building, field of use; name and nationality of owner and proportions of ownership; and mortgages, executionary proceedings, arrests, and bankruptcy of owner, if any. The duration of the registration is not restricted. The FMA maintains a separate register for ships under construction.
Registration of vessels under construction is voluntary but is often needed for mortgage purposes. If a vessel under construction is intended to be registered in another state, it may be registered in the Finnish Register for Vessels under Construction regardless of the future nationality or intended use of the vessel. A requirement for the registration of a vessel under construction is that the construction of the vessel must have proceeded to a stage where it is possible to identify the vessel. The registration can be made even before construction has commenced provided that the vessel can be identified by a construction number, construction plan, or by other reliable means.
Bareboat Charter Registration
Under Finnish law, bareboat charter registration into or out of Finland is not possible.
Vessel and Yacht Eligibility & Survey Requirements
All Finnish merchant shipping vessels over 15 meters must be registered in the Ship Registry. Registration is voluntary if the ship is between 10 and 14 meters. There are no age limitations or tonnage requirements. However, vessels more than 20 years old cannot generally be entered in the Finnish Catalog of Merchant Ships in Foreign Traffic. Vessels entered into this Catalog are eligible for government aid. Vessel safety is supervised by the FMA which has jurisdiction over Finnish vessels and foreign vessels in Finnish territorial waters. The competent authorities may carry out inspections in vessels within their jurisdiction in order to supervise compliance with vessel safety. Usually compliance can be controlled by inspecting the national and international certificates on vessel safety in each controlled vessel. A Finnish ship must be surveyed before it is placed in traffic. The primary survey includes the construction of the vessel, construction material, machinery, steering equipment, and electrical equipment; safety equipment, fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment, radars, echo sounders, and compass; and radio equipment. After the vessel begins operating, surveys will be carried out regularly.
Specific surveys of chemical and gas tanker vessels are carried out with respect to the prevention of pollution of the sea. Surveying is usually carried out by classification societies with respect to construction and the hull of a vessel. On the other hand, the FMA usually surveys the navigational and safety equipment of vessels. Ultimately, the FMA supervises all surveys. The following class societies are recognized:
American Bureau of Shipping.
Lloyd's Register of Shipping
Registro Italiano Navale
Prior to initiating the operation of a Finnish vessel, the minimum crew of the vessel must be confirmed by the FMA. The crew requirements for different kinds of vessels in domestic and international traffic are regulated by The Decree on the Crewing of Vessels and the Competence of Ship Personnel (250/1984). The requirements for crew vary according to the size and operation routes of the vessels. Competence Letters for key personnel are issued by the FMA. Foreign Certificates of Competency are not directly accepted. However, it is possible to obtain a Finnish Competence Letter after a Finnish maritime training institution has confirmed that the competence of the foreign applicant corresponds to Finnish requirements. It should be noted that the regulations concerning the competence of foreign personnel is subject to amendment. It is possible under specific conditions to be employed on a Finnish vessel with a foreign Competence Letter endorsed by the FMA. Only a Finnish citizen can be accepted as master of a Finnish vessel. Further, the master of any vessel in commercial traffic is required to have a Competence Letter of a Sea Captain.
Seafarers are protected by a number of statutes and rules comprised in the Finnish "general" labor legislation such as the Act on Accident Insurance, the Act on Safety at Work, the Public Health Act and various statutes (both domestic and convention-based) on ship safety. The Merchant Shipping Act (423/1978) ("MSA") is based on the rule of the flag of the vessel governing the choice of law. This same principle is then applied almost without exception in other statutes of a more specific nature. The MSA is applicable to work performed onboard a Finnish vessel irrespective of the nationality of the employee or the employer. Consequently, a foreigner that has leased or chartered even a part of a Finnish vessel must follow the MSA in individual contracts of employment unless the Ministry of Health and Social Security has granted an exemption. The rule of the flag is, however, not always best suited to govern the labor relationships. If a Finnish vessel is bareboat chartered to a foreigner and that foreigner is crewing the vessel with non-Finnish crewmembers, then the legal and social issues in regard to the crew are not connected to a Finnish vessel in the sense of the MSA. For such cases, the Ministry of Health and Social Security may release a foreigner wholly or in part from the obligation to comply with the MSA. The MSA regulates the relationship employer- employee, however, always also considering the contents of the general Contracts of Employment Act. Thus, the MSA comprises rules on the obligations of the contracting parties, on the termination of the contract of employment, on nullity, on modification, on breach of the contract, and on compensation of damages and penal provisions. The labor protection authorities supervise the compliance of the MSA. The purpose of the Act and Statute on Engagement and Discharge of Seamen (1105/1986 and 516/1987) is to secure that a person employed onboard has the necessary skills for the particular work, that a certificate of appointment is issued, or that a valid contract of employment is signed. In this context, also matters affecting the ship's safety are considered. These laws also contain some rather peculiar rules regarding the seafarer's disciplinary committee (appointed by the Ministry of Trade and Industry) which may for a period not exceeding three years sentence a seafarer to a so-called ban against signing up as a seaman if the employer has terminated the contract of employment on basis of the MSA or if the seafarer due to a particular reason has proven himself unsuitable for service as a seafarer. On the basis of the engagement statute, it is emphasized that special attention should be given in cases where a Finnish seafarer is signing up on a foreign vessel.
The Statute on Medical Inspection of Seamen (476/1980) is applicable to a person who is signing up onboard a vessel for a contract of employment governed by the MSA. The purpose of this statute is to secure that persons who have not passed the medical inspection carried out by the appointed doctor either at the first inspection or at a renewed inspection, are not signed up. The National Board of Health and the labor protection authorities are supervising these procedures. The Statute on Seamen's Premises Onboard (518/1976) is only applicable on Finnish vessels. The statute comprises very detailed instructions on the design, size, situation, and furnishing of cabins and messes onboard. The statute is supervised by the labor protection authorities.
The Act on Seamen's Working Hours (296/1976) is applicable to work onboard a Finnish vessel in foreign trade "for the ship" or elsewhere as per a Superior's instruction. The law contains rules on regular working hours, the positioning of the working hours, and work on Saturdays and Sundays and overtime; in addition to this, penal provisions and forum rules are set forth. The labor protection authorities supervise this law. The Act on Seamen's Working Hours on Vessels in domestic trade (248/1982) deals with same issues, but in regard to domestic trade only. The Act on Seamens' Annual Vacations (433/1984) secures the seafarers' right to annual vacation, annual vacation salary, annual vacation compensation, annual vacation fares, and the right to affect the set period for the vacation. The law prescribes a penalty for violating the statutes. The labor protection authorities supervise the law.
The Law and Statute on Seamens' Pensions (72/1956 and 654/1991) are applicable on a person who works on a vessel in international traffic. By these extensive regulations, the seafarers' rights of retirement and disability pension, dependent's pension and pension for the surviving spouse, and the estate's right to receive contribution for funeral expenses are secured. It should be observed that the seafarers' pension system differs from other Finnish pension systems as in addition to the employer's pension insurance premium also the employee is obliged to pay an equal share of the pension insurance premium. The Law and Statute on Seamens' Wage Security (927/1979 and 137/1981) secure the payment of a receivable claim related to a seafarer's contract of employment in case of the employer's bankruptcy or insolvency. The law also enables named seafarers' labor market organizations to represent their members in wage security matters without separate authorization. Claims due to the contract of employment that are regulated in these laws comprise wages with additional costs, wages during the qualifying period and the period of notice, compensation paid in kind as well as membership fees to the labor organizations which are withheld from the wages. The State Wage Security Board has a right of lien on a vessel onboard with respect to compensation. The Law and Statute on Seamens' Service and Educational Activities (452/1972 and 846/1972) aims to improve seafarer education, youth and adult education, sports, recreation and leisure time activities. For these activities, there is a seafarers' service office which is domiciled in
Helsinki. The Statute on the Crew's Provision (301/1985) concerns vessels regulated by the MSA. The statute prescribes in detail that food including drinks is prepared according to nutritive standards, that it is tasty, and that the quantities are enough. It is the employer's duty to supervise that the criteria are fulfilled. The Law on Accident Insurance (608/1948) states that an employee working onboard a Finnish vessel must have access to statutory insurance in case of an accidental illness or injury. The compensation system has very good coverage; by virtue of the law the employee is granted compensation for medical treatment, daily allowance corresponding to the loss of income, disability indemnity for permanent injury and harm and to connected additional costs as well as compensation for domestic aid and rehabilitation. In case the employee dies due to an accident, survivors' pension and contribution to burial costs will be paid to his relatives. The Law on Labor Protection (299/1958) obliges the employer to secure that the employment environment is safe for the employee. Moreover, the law regulates a product liability type common duty for the manufacturer, the importer and the seller of dangerous materials and machinery and other technical devices utilized onboard. As this law is itself insufficient as to onboard employment, several other detailed decrees have been issued. The labor security is supervised by official and unofficial means and the authorities possess a number of different means to interfere with neglects and violations.
The Law on Supervision of the Safety Onboard (730/1995) is applied to a vessel which is used for merchant shipping on Finnish territorial waters, on a Finnish vessel trading outside Finnish territorial waters, and on Finnish owners and such foreign owner of vessels trading in Finnish territorial waters. The law provides the authorities with wide powers for inspection and coercive means. It is worthwhile mentioning that the law contains a unique provision in regard to the supervising authority's obligation to compensate damages due to the inferior performance of this authority.
The registration of mortgages on vessels is regulated by the Act on Ship Mortgages (211/1927). A registered vessel can be mortgaged as a guarantee for the fulfillment of a debt only with the written consent of the owner. The mortgage is entered into the Ship Register at the FMA office in Helsinki. If the vessel is mortgaged for several debts, the earlier registration will have priority over the later. Mortgages must be renewed within 10 years from when they were registered to maintain effect. The following documentation is needed for a mortgage to be entered into the Ship Register:
Written application
Deed of commitment whereupon the mortgage is based (The original deed shall be presented to the Registrar. Receipts for the payment of the required stamp duties for the deed shall also be presented.)
Letter of consent from the owner of the vessel (signed at the Registry or notarized or witnessed by two individuals)
If a legal entity is the applicant, information that the decision relating to the mortgage have been taken in the proper order and that the entity is in good standing.
For more information, contact one of the following organizations:
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Capt. Aleksi Uttula
Maritime Inspections and Surveys
Kumpulantie 9
+358 29 534 5000
Website: http://www.trafi.fi/merenkulku/en
Company Formation
Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH)
Sörnäisten rantatie 13 C
Mailing address:
Telephone Exchange and Registry
Tel: +358 29 509 5000 (exchange)
Fax: +358 29 509 5328
Email: registry(at)prh.fi
Website: https://www.prh.fi/en/kaupparekisteri.html
Seafarers' Association
Finnish Seamen's Union
John Stenbergin ranta 6
FIN-00530 Helsinki
Tel: +358 (9) 6152 020
Fax: +358 (9) 6152 0227
Website: http://www.smu.fi/in_english/
Shipowners' Association
Finnish Shipowners’ Association
Office location:
Aleksanterinkatu 44
Email: info@shipowners.fi
Website: https://shipowners.fi/en/finnish-shipowners-association/
Finnish Transport Safety Agency
Tel: +358 29 534 5000
Email: kirjaamo(at)trafi.fi
Fax: +358 29 534 5095
Finnish Transport Safety Agency Trafi
PO Box 320, Fl-
00101 Helsinki
Stockholm Agreement 96
IMO Convention 48
* IMO amendments 91
* IMO amendments 93
SOLAS Convention 74
SOLAS Protocol 78
SOLAS Protocol 88
LOAD LINES Convention 66
LOAD LINES Protocol 88
TONNAGE Convention 69
COLREG Convention 72
CSC Convention 72
CSC amendments 93
SFV Protocol 93
STCW Convention 78
STCW-F Convention 95
SAR Convention 79
STP Agreement 71
STP Protocol 73
IMSO Convention 76
INMARSAT amendments 94
INMARSAT amendments 98
IMSO amendments 2006
IMSO amendments 2008
FACILITATION Convention 65
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I/II)
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex IV)
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V)
MARPOL Protocol 97 (Annex VI)
London Convention 72
London Convention Protocol 96
INTERVENTION Convention 69
CLC Convention 69
CLC Protocol 76
CLC Protocol 92
FUND Convention 71
FUND Protocol 92
FUND Protocol 2003
NUCLEAR Convention 71
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex III)
PAL Protocol 76
PAL Protocol 90
PAL Protocol 02
LLMC Convention 76
LLMC Protocol 96
SUA Convention 2005
SUA Protocol 2005
SALVAGE Convention 89
OPRC Convention 90
HNS Convention 96
Cape Town Agreement 2012
SUA Convention 88
SUA Protocol 88
IMO Conventions
Status of Conventions France
IMO Convention 48 x
SOLAS Convention 74 x
SOLAS Protocol 78 x
SOLAS Protocol 88 x
SOLAS Agreement 96
LOAD LINES Convention 66 x
LOAD LINES Protocol 88 x
TONNAGE Convention 69 x
COLREG Convention 72 x
CSC Convention 72 x
CSC amendments 93
SFV Protocol 93 x
Cape Town Agreement 2012 x
STCW Convention 78 x
STCW-F Convention 95 x
SAR Convention 79 x
STP Agreement 71 x
Space STP Protocol 73 x
IMSO Convention 76 x
IMSO amendments 2006
IMSO amendments 2008
FACILITATION Convention 65 x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I/II) x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex III) x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex IV) x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V) x
MARPOL Protocol 97 (Annex VI) x
London Convention 72 x
London Convention Protocol 96 x
INTERVENTION Convention 69 x
INTERVENTION Protocol 73 x
CLC Convention 69 d
CLC Protocol 76 x
CLC Protocol 92 x
FUND Protocol 76 x
FUND Protocol 92 x
FUND Protocol 2003 x
NUCLEAR Convention 71 x
PAL Convention 74
PAL Protocol 76
PAL Protocol 90
PAL Protocol 02 x
LLMC Convention 76 x
LLMC Protocol 96 x
SUA Convention 88 x
SUA Protocol 88 x
SUA Convention 2005 x
SUA Protocol 2005 x
SALVAGE Convention 89 x
OPRC Convention 90 x
HNS Convention 96
OPRC/HNS 2000 x
x: Accession/ratification
d: Denunciation