Shipowner Eligibility
There are no restrictions at respect of the nationality of the shipowners or crew.
About the Flag
The Bolivian International Vessel Register (RIBB), is a Technical Organization dependent on the Defense Ministry that has overseen the Lake and Maritime Fluvial Navigation Policies of the country since 1975 (DL. No. 12684), consequent with its Exterior Policy to exert its right of use of the sea and its maritime quality in all the seas of the world, pursuant to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Sea in its Articles 91 and 94, signed in Montego Bay, Jamaica, on December 10th of 1982, subscribed by Bolivia on November 27th of 1984 and ratified by Law of the Republic No. 1570 of July 12th 1994.
Therefore, according to a State Policy, the country decides to maintain an Open Vessel Registry, within a national strategy.
"Perform the registration of inscription of vessels and naval artifacts, maritime privileges, naval mortgages and preventive embargoes, as well as the endorsement of the crew certificates, in maritime waters and international rivers; in conditions that guarantee a safe navigation and the protection of aquatic media; that allows Bolivia to maintain the maritime nation condition."
"Establish a registry with quality certification and international recognition that allows the presence of the Bolivian flag in maritime waters and international rivers.
Company Formation
1. Company information (company name, type, shareholder's / member's information, etc).
2. Power of Attorney (we will provide you the model).
3. An address in Bolivia. If a company doesn't have one, a law firm can provide this (Domiciliation Service).
Incorporation Service
Capital Rank (USD)
Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada
Sociedad Anonima
USD 3195
USD 3555
For more information, contact:
Bolivian International Ships Registry
P.O. Box 1506
Calle Mercado Nº 1046, Saenz Building, First Floor | La Paz, Bolivia
Tel: (591-2) 2407718 / 2407732
Fax: (591-2) 2407730
Email: bolivia@ribb.gob.bo
Website: http://www.ribb.gob.bo
General Secretary
Property Registration
Safety and Security
Financial Management Unit
Legal Evaluation Unit
City Planning Unit
International Relations
Registration and Documentation
Provisional Registration
Modality registration is intended to give vessels or naval artifacts, the National Pavilion, including all the advantages and obligations that it implies to navigate under the Bolivian Flag, for a specific period (up to one year), while the documentation required is completed for the permanent registration record.
Quotation form signed by the Deputy Registrar / Shipowner (Click to view the form)
Copy of the quotation approved and signed by the Deputy Registrar or shipowner.
Copy of the registry application form duly signed and filled out by the shipowner and/or Deputy Registrar (Click to view the form)
Copy of the Bill of Sale or Proof of Ownership or Builder's Certificate if the ship is a newbuilding.
Copy of Power of Attorney granted in favour of the ship's representative.
Copy of the previous flag deletion certificate or a certification letter that certifies that the ship is in process of it (Document is not required if the ship is a newbuilding)
Power of Attorney for the legal representative whose address is in Bolivia (For passenger ships, tankers that transport oil, chemical tankers, gas and fishing ships) , notarized and legalized by Bolivian Consulate and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship.
Authority confirmation letter of the radio responsible account (If the ship has these services) (ACR's list)
If the type of ship is a fishing vessel, a copy of the current fishing license issued by the Bolivian Fishing Authority and a sworn statement of the owner, stating under oath the fishing method, area and species, are mandatory. (Requirements)
The Bolivian International Registry of Ships throughout the corresponding units will review the submitted documents.
Permanent Registration
Modality registration that's intended to give vessels or naval artifacts, the National Pavilion, including all the advantages and obligations that it implies to navigate under the Bolivian Flag, for a specific period of five years, after having completed all the documentation required for this type of registration.
For a permanent registry, the Deputy Registrar or the shipowner must forward the following documents to this administration:
Quotation form signed by the Deputy Registrar / shipowner (Click to view the form)
Copy of quotation approved and duly signed by the Deputy Registrar or shipowner
Copy of registry application form duly signed and filled out by the shipowner and/or Deputy Registrar
Copy of Bill of Sale or Proof of Ownership, or Builder's Certificate if the ship is a newbuilding.
All the documents legalized and notarized by the Bolivian consulate and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship.
Copy of Power of Attorney notarized and legalized by the Bolivian Consulate and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship
Original document of previous flag deletion certificate or legalized copy of it by the Bolivian consulate and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, this document is not required if the ship is a newbuilding
Power of Attorney of the legal representative whose address is in Bolivia (for passengers ships, tankers that transport oil, chemical tankers, gas and fishing ships), notarized and legalized by Bolivian consulate and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship
Authority confirmation letter of the radio responsible account (if the ship has these services) (ACR's list)
Shipbuilder's blueprint
Recent pictures of the ship's fore and aft, sides
If the type of ship is a fishing vessel, a copy of the current fishing license XXXXXX issued by the Bolivian Fishing Authority and a sworn statement of the owner, stating under oath the fishing method, area and species; are mandatory (Click to view the requirements)
The Bolivian International Registry of Ships, throughout the corresponding units will revise the forward documents.
Singularly, the registration form and the authority confirmation letter of the responsible radio account could be exempted in its presentation if the ship goes through a provisional registry to a permanent and only if the documents have been presented previously.
Temporary Registration
The Temporal Inscription Registry (Special) is a modality in which a shipowner registers his vessel in this institution, including all the documents required to rise the Bolivian flag for just one trip or for a determined period of time without authorizing to take any commercial activities.
The validity of this method of registration will be no more than three months from the issuance of the certificate or upon completion of the delivery trip and the registration will expire in fact, extinguishing the owner the right to fly the flag of Bolivia.
Requirements for the Temporary Registry
For the temporary registry (in whichever of its modalities), the Deputy Registrar or shipowner must forward to this administration the following documents:
Quotation form signed by the Deputy Registrar / shipowner (Click to view the form)
Copy of quotation approved and signed by the Deputy Registrar or shipowner
Copy of registry application form duly signed and fill out by the shipowner and Deputy Registrar (Click to view the form)
Copy of the Bill of Sale or Proof of Ownership or Builder's Certificate if the ship is a newbuilding
Copy of Power of Attorney granted in favor of the ship's representative
Copy of the previous flag deletion certificate or a certification letter that certifies that the ship is in process of it (this document is not required if the ship is a newbuilding)
Intended voyage confirmation & affidavit for non-commercial trading declaration duly notarized
Authority confirmation letter of the radio responsible account (if the ship has these services) (ACR's list)
The Bolivian International Registry of Ships throughout the corresponding units will revise the forwarded documents.
Bareboat Charter Registration
Dual Provisional Registry Second Flag
Inscription modality that has the objective to give vessels or naval machinery, the Nations Flag, plus all the benefits and obligations involved in sailing under the Bolivian flag, for a specific period of time (up to one year), when there is charter agreement and Bolivia is the second flag, fulfilling the requirements established and completing all the documents required for the permanent registry inscription.
Requirements for Inscription to Provisional Dual Registry When Bolivia Is a Second Flag
For the registration of a dual provisional registry when Bolivia is a second flag, the Deputy Maritime or ship-owner must forward to this administration the following documents:
Quotation form signed by the Deputy Registrar / Shipowner
Copy of quotation approved and signed by the Deputy Registrar or shipowner
Copy of registry aplication form duly signed and fill out by the shipowner and Deputy Registrar
Copy of the Bill of Sale or Proof of Ownership or Builder's Certificate if the ship is a newbuilding. All the documents legalized and notarized by the Bolivian consulate and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship
Copy of bareboat charter
Copy of Power of Attorney granted in favour of the ship's representative notarized and legalized by the Bolivian consulate
Power of Attorney for the legal representative whose address is in Bolivia (for passengers, tankers that transport oil, chemical tankers, gas and fishing ships)
Authority confirmation letter of the radio responsible account (if the ship has these services) (ACR's lists)
Copy of acceptance letter issued by the first flag accepting Bolivia as a second flag
Copy of registry certificates, issued by the first flag
If the type of ship is a fishing vessel, a copy of the current fishing license issued by the Bolivian Fishing Authority and a sworn statement of the owner, stating under oath the fishing method, area and species; are mandatory (Click to view the requirements)
The Bolivian International Registry of Ships, throughout the corresponding Units will revise the forward documents.
Permanent Dual Registry Second Flag
Inscription Modality that has as objective to give vessels and naval machinery, the National Flag, plus all the benefits and obligations involved in sailing under the Bolivian flag, for the period established in the charter agreement and Bolivia is the second flag, after fulfilling all de documents required for this type of registry.
Registration for a Dual Permanent Registry When Bolivia Is a Second Flag
For the registration of a dual permanent registry when Bolivia is second flag, the Deputy Maritime or shipowner must forward to this administration the following documents:
Quotation form signed by the Deputy Registrar / Shipowner
Copy of quotation approved and signed by the deputy registrar or ship-owner;
copy of registry aplication form duly signed and fill out by the shipowner and Deputy Registrar
Copy of the Bill of Sale or Proof of Ownership or Builder's Certificate if the ship is a newbuilding. All the documents legalized and notarized by the Bolivian consulate and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship;
Copy of bareboat charter notarized and legalized by the Bolivian consulate and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship
Copy of Power of Attorney granted in favour of the ship's representative notarized and legalized by the Bolivian consulate and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship
Power of Attorney for the legal representative whose address is in Bolivia (for passengers, tankers that transport oil, chemical tankers, gas and fishing ships), notarized and legalized by Bolivian consulate and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship;
Authority confirmation letter of the radio responsible account (if the ship has these services); (ACR's list)
Acceptance letter issued by the first flag accepting Bolivia as a second flag;
Ship builder's blueprint;
Recent pictures of the ship's fore and aft, and sides;
If the type of ship is a fishing vessel, a copy of the current fishing license issued by the Bolivian Fishing Authority and a SWORN STATEMENT OF THE OWNER, stating under oath the fishing method, area and species; are mandatory (Click to view the requirements)
The Bolivian International Registry of Ships throughout the corresponding units will revise the forwarded documents.
Singularly, the registration form and the authority confirmation letter of the radio responsible account could be exempted in its presentation if the ship goes through a provisional registry to a permanent and only if the documents have been presented previously.
Vessel and Yacht Eligibility & Survey Requirements
Maritime Area
The required certificates are those which are detailed in the International Conventions and Codes.
These are issued by our Recognized Organizations and Recognized Security Organizations with the exception of the International Certificate of Permanent Ship Security that must be issued by the RIBB.
The approval of plans, manuals and drawings is also carried out by Recognized Organizations and Recognized Security Organizations.
Paraguay - Parana Waterway Area
The Paraguay Parana waterway connects to 5 countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay.
For Bolivia it is of vital importance, since it is the natural access to the Atlantic Ocean.
RIBB maintains an active participation in the "Transportation Agreement by the Paraguay River Paraná (Puerto Caceres - Nueva Palmira) - Agreement of Santa Cruz de la Sierra," especially in the Intergovernmental Committee of the Waterway (CIH), the Commission Agreement (CA) and the Technical Committee in fulfilling their duties as flagging State.
The certificates required are those specified in the various regulations of the Water Transport Agreement for Paraguay - Parana "Santa Cruz."
Depending on the type of boat, the certificates are:
CSN: Certificate of Safety Navegation.
CA: Tonnage Certificate.
CFB: Freeboard Certificate.
CSR: Certificate of Radio Electronic Safety.
IOPP: Prevention of Oil Pollution.
The RIBB accepts certificates issued by various classification societies belonging to the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS), according to the details you can find on the registry website.
The section People of Sea under the provisions of the Manual of Organization and Functions of RIBB, approved by Ministerial Resolution N° 187 of March 16th 2009 and Training and Certification Regulation of the People of the Sea according to Ministerial Resolution N° 328 of April 16th 2001, is responsible for proposing the operational arrangements for the issue of endorsement or recognition of diplomas and certificates for the people of the sea given by maritime administrations of other countries, applying the national regulations and international dispositions.
This section is intended to promote, encourage and implement all activities related to the assessment and endorsement issuance of seafarers, and enforcing compliance with the provisions of the Convention of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1978, and its amendment in 1995, while this section has the responsibility to address issues related to employment status and physical and legal security of the seafarers in the framework of the conventions of the IMO, ILO and MSO governing this matter.
Endorsement certificates are signed by the General Directory, the only authority recognized for this purpose. The procedure for issuing certificates of endorsement required depends on the time it takes to confirm the legitimacy of the documentation submitted, specifically the Certificate of Competence or Title Approval that seeks to be endorsed at the RIBB, and usually completed within 48 hours to 30 days, being that the delay in the issue depends on the time in which the registry receives the response of other maritime administrations consulted, therefore more time in the issuance of certificates of endorsement will not be the responsibility of this section, nor obviously once the services are canceled.
In summary, the Seafarers' Section verifies that the crew on vessels sailing under flags of Bolivia is duly qualified to perform their duties. Also, it must at least have all the courses required to meet the general navigation tasks.
Required Documents for All Crewmembers to Emit Certificate of Eligibility
Captain, Deck, Engineer Officer and Ratings
The following documents should be sent via email for the Seafarers Section: jefe_gentemar@ribb.gob.bo; there is also an option to send the documents by a courier; you must request the tracking number.
These documents must be verified by the RMD, and posses the RMD seal and the verification date
Application duly filled. (Download file)
4 passport pictures (6 passport pictures if you require the endorsement GMDSS) with size (3 X 3 cm), blue background (if scanning the picture it must be with resolution 150 x 150 pixels when sending it by email)
Copies of current Passport or I.D.
Copy of current Medical Certificate (Rule I/9).
Current copy of the Seaman's Book or a letter from the company where he works.
Copies of the certificates for the Personal Survival Techniques Course (IMO 1.19)
Copies of the certificates for the Fire Prevention & Basic Fire Fighting Course (IMO 1.20)
Copy of the certificate for the First Aids Course (IMO 1.13)
Copy of the certificate for the Personal Security and Social Responsibility Course (IMO 1.21).
Captain, Deck and Engineer Officer besides:
Copy of the current Certificate of Competence (COC). (Rule I/2).
Copy of the Certificates for the advanced courses for officers.
Moreover to choosing a countersign radio operator certificate (GMDSS):
A copy of the title (license) of Radio Operator (GMDSS, OMI 1.25 or 1.26, Rule IV/2). GMDSS = Global Marine Distress Security System
Ratings besides:
For personnel that is part of the watchkeeping on navigation or engine room:
Copies of the current Certificate of Competence (COC). (Rule I/2, Rule II/4 y Rule III/4)
Bolivian International Ships Registry
P.O. Box 1506
Calle Mercado Nº 1046, Saenz Building, First Floor | La Paz, Bolivia
Tel: (591-2) 2407718 / 2407732
Fax: (591-2) 2407730
Email: bolivia@ribb.gob.bo
Website: http://www.ribb.gob.bo
General Secretary
Property Registration
Safety and Security
Financial Management Unit
Legal Evaluation Unit
City Planning Unit
International Relations
Tonnage Calculator: https://www.ribb.gob.bo/web/site/cotizacion
Captain Juan Freddy Zapata Flores
Head of the Survey Area
Calle Mercado No. 1046
Edificio SAENZ 1er. Piso, La Paz, Bolivia
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
+ 591 2 2407718
+ 591 2 2407730
+591 2 2407730
Stockholm Agreement 96
IMO Convention 48
* IMO amendments 91
* IMO amendments 93
SOLAS Convention 74
SOLAS Protocol 78
SOLAS Protocol 88
LOAD LINES Convention 66
LOAD LINES Protocol 88
TONNAGE Convention 69
COLREG Convention 72
CSC Convention 72
CSC amendments 93
SFV Protocol 93
STCW Convention 78
STCW-F Convention 95
SAR Convention 79
STP Agreement 71
STP Protocol 73
IMSO Convention 76
INMARSAT amendments 94
INMARSAT amendments 98
IMSO amendments 2006
IMSO amendments 2008
FACILITATION Convention 65
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I/II)
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex IV)
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V)
MARPOL Protocol 97 (Annex VI)
London Convention 72
London Convention Protocol 96
INTERVENTION Convention 69
CLC Convention 69
CLC Protocol 76
CLC Protocol 92
FUND Convention 71
FUND Protocol 92
FUND Protocol 2003
NUCLEAR Convention 71
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex III)
PAL Protocol 76
PAL Protocol 90
PAL Protocol 02
LLMC Convention 76
LLMC Protocol 96
SUA Convention 2005
SUA Protocol 2005
SALVAGE Convention 89
OPRC Convention 90
HNS Convention 96
Cape Town Agreement 2012
SUA Convention 88
SUA Protocol 88
IMO Conventions
Status of Conventions Bolivia
IMO Convention 48 x
SOLAS Convention 74 x
SOLAS Protocol 78 x
SOLAS Protocol 88
SOLAS Agreement 96
LOAD LINES Convention 66 x
LOAD LINES Protocol 88
TONNAGE Convention 69 x
COLREG Convention 72 x
CSC Convention 72 x
CSC amendments 93
SFV Protocol 93
Cape Town Agreement 2012
STCW Convention 78 x
STCW-F Convention 95
SAR Convention 79
STP Agreement 71
Space STP Protocol 73
IMSO Convention 76 x
IMSO amendments 2006
IMSO amendments 2008 x
FACILITATION Convention 65
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I/II) x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex III) x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex IV) x
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V) x
MARPOL Protocol 97 (Annex VI)
London Convention 72 x
London Convention Protocol 96
INTERVENTION Convention 69
CLC Convention 69
CLC Protocol 76
CLC Protocol 92
FUND Protocol 76
FUND Protocol 92
FUND Protocol 2003
NUCLEAR Convention 71
PAL Convention 74
PAL Protocol 76
PAL Protocol 90
PAL Protocol 02
LLMC Convention 76
LLMC Protocol 96
SUA Convention 88 x
SUA Protocol 88 x
SUA Convention 2005
SUA Protocol 2005
SALVAGE Convention 89
OPRC Convention 90
HNS Convention 96
x: Accession/ratification
d: Denunciation